Apple has been working towards innovating its minimalist layout in order to offer its users with much more usage out of their smartphone devices. With the launch of iOS 14, Apple has included some very familiar Android-esque features to their iPhones. While Apple’s Operating System is in itself very good and provides the basic functionality, there have always been certain things lacking in an iPhone that avert hardcore Android fans. Following are some features similar to the ones in Android that Apple has recently introduced;


App Library

Apple has always had a simplistic layout with all the apps on the home screen for the users to view as soon as they turn their smartphones on. However, the company is now introducing what they call an App Library which will let them keep certain apps hidden from the actual home screen. This is similar to the app drawer that Android phones have had since a very long time where users keep all their apps. Apple users can now avail this feature and choose what layout they want for their home screen.



One of the biggest things that have differed iPhones from Android phones is the fact that the latter supports widgets. Widgets are a useful tool that people use to access different features like date, time, weather etc. While Android users have been able to use these widgets since one of the earliest models of Android OS and customize their layout with different widgets, Apple users did not have such features as they were stuck with the limiting features of an iPhone but this new update of the iOS solves that problem. Apple users can now use widgets with differing sizes and functions to aid their usage of their phones.



For the longest time Apple did not have it’s own translation app and users had to rely on  other apps, mainly Google Translate for translation purposes. However, with this new update they have introduced their own app for translation that not only translates text but is also able to detect and translate speech. It lets users speak in real time and translates their speech in real time further adding to the ease of the users.


App Clips

Another feature that has been lacking in Apple’s  iPhones is the Google Instant Apps which is basically a feature that allows you to preview a certain app without having to download the entire app. Apple has introduced App Clips which is more or less the same feature and solves the problem of having to download an entire app just to use it one time.



While Android users have been long able to enjoy having floating windows of apps over other apps, Apple is just introducing this feature in it’s full force and users will now be able to view videos while using other apps.


So these are some of the features similar to Android that Apple has added to their latest OS. Which one of these had you been waiting for to come to iPhone?